
Live Radically, Give Radically

At Lighthouse Church we believe that generosity with one’s finances should be a beautiful response to God’s grace and mercy towards us through Jesus Christ. We also believe that regular giving to God’s mission is an aspect of being a growing and mature followers of Jesus.

Give Online

You can give via online ACH, Credit Card, or Debit Card.

Check / Cash
Check / Cash

Please make checks payable to Lighthouse Church. By contributing via check, you authorize the church to use information from your check to process your payment electronically.

Lighthouse Church
Attention: Finances
5555 W Evans Ave
Denver, Colorado 80227

We call our members to give, not by meeting some obligatory percentage or payment, but gladly sacrificing first fruits for the sake of the gospel because Jesus, God’s first, was sacrificed for us, and all we have is His.


Additional Info About Your Gift

Here are a few things you may like to know about your giving to Lighthouse Church:
1) Your giving is confidential. Your name or amount that you give never goes beyond our executive leadership.

2) Your giving is 100% tax deductible.

3) You will recieve a year end giving statement.

4) Lastly, you can be confident your gifts are wisely managed so every dollar is maximized for ministry and mission.

*If you have any questions about giving feel free to Contact Us.

Why do we give to Lighthouse Church?

Click this button to read our article on Giving and Tithing:

Giving Article