Becky Stoudenmire

Becky is the Pastoral Administrator of Lighthouse Church. 

Becky has a heart for service and is called to serve and minister to the marginalized, lost, broken, and most vulnerable people in our community. She finds joy in loving on all the Lighthouse kiddos as often as she can! She desires for Lighthouse to be exactly what the name implies in our city.

While also serving at Lighthouse, Becky has been a proud public servant with the City & County of Denver for 12 years. She is honored to bring Jesus into the workplace and desires to be a light for the glory of the Lord. Matthew 5:16 has been a daily prayer for as long as she can remember.

She is happily married to her loving husband Jake and an incredibly proud mom to Ethan. Becky was born and raised in Miami, FL. She loves Cuban food, Cafecito, and is a ride-or-die Miami Hurricanes and Dolphins fan.